Set your call takers up for real success and intelligently utilize their time.
Why Wallboards
Wallboards delivers a live digital display of your contact center’s activity, including the density of calls by category and visualizing emergency live streams simultaneously, in order for contact center managers to automate roles and shift resources in real-time.
Reduce Answering Time

Carbyne Wallboards speeds up your call queues and empowers your team to improve their Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) such as call answer times.
Visualize Emergency Live Streams Simultaneously
Video Board is a cloud-native emergency response visualization solution offered with APEX and Universe that live streams citizen video, supporting multiple live streams, audiovisual alerts, pinpoint caller locations, and more.

Live Insights

See what’s happening in your contact center and respond with the data you need to make better resourcing decisions.
Real-time monitoring of the contact center metrics includes:
Queue Status: Metrics for waiting calls, including the call with the longest wait duration. Color and sound alerts notify contact center managers when KPI thresholds are reached.
Agent Status: The number of call takers available to answer calls, currently handling a call, taking a break, or other supported status options.
Seat Map: A visual display of the physical stations positioned on the contact center floor, with a live indicator of the current agent/station status, including if the agent requires assistance.
Instant Support
Set everyone up for success and help your call takers get the support they need, when they need it, with Agent Status. Agent Status indicates when assistance is needed at a station, either because the agent manually submitted a request, or automatically in the event of a network issue.