
emergency medicine for the facetime generation

Emergency Medicine for the Facetime Generation

On May 14, 2018, a young biology teacher named Marcus-David Peters who was experiencing a mental health crisis lost his life in a subsequent violent encounter with the Richmond Police. In his memory, the Marcus-David Peters Act went into law across Virginia in 2020. Thus the Marcus Alert was born, which enhances mental health services for people experiencing a crisis related to substance abuse, developmental disability, or mental health. For responders coming to the aid of these callers, using some of the best emergency medical services software solutions can provide critical situational awareness prior to arrival which can deliver happier outcomes. This situational awareness can be in the form of live caller video, pinpoint caller location, silent instant messaging, and more, especially since such technologies are second nature to today’s generation.

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three benefits of carbyne responder connect 2

The Benefits of Carbyne Responder Connect Transform Situational Awareness for Field Responders

When we experience the unthinkable, we know to call 9-1-1 to summon emergency response services, whether they be police officers, firefighters, or paramedics. However we often don’t realize that one of the key challenges our heroes in uniform face when responding to our emergencies is inadequate situational awareness, such as: Knowing where an active shooter is at any given moment; seeing the extent of a fire engulfing a building; and visually assessing the distress a choking child is experiencing can transform the situational awareness for field responders so they can provide better emergency response when we need it most.

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eyes on the scene

Eyes on the Scene: How Live Video from a Caller can Transform your Situational Awareness

Although 86% of 9-1-1 calls are made through wireless devices according to the National 911 Progress Report, our heroes in uniform don’t have access to all the amazing modern technology that we take for granted at the palms of our hands. In this article we discuss how getting eyes on the scene of the emergency (e.g. via Carbyne’s patented live caller video ) can positively and dramatically improve situational awareness for call-takers, dispatchers, police officers, firefighters, and paramedics alike.

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talk when you can

Talk When You Can, Text When You Can’t: The Power of Instant Messaging In Emergency Response

While most of us use our phones on a daily basis, it appears that the percentage of time we spend actually talking on the phone seems to be going down month-over-month and year-over-year. In fact, according to The Local Project, 33% of Americans prefer texts to all other forms of communication, and text is the most used form of communication for American adults under 50 years of age.

Talk When You Can, Text When You Can’t: The Power of Instant Messaging In Emergency Response Read More »

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