
compassion fatigue

Compassion Fatigue Who Cares for the Caregivers?

Compassion Fatigue (CF) was a term first coined in the healthcare field to describe the cost of caring for individuals who are charged to care for those in crisis or undergoing trauma. As 9-1-1 professionals we are the caregivers of the entire public safety ecosystem: from caller, to responder, stakeholders, to the community, and back to us internally, our service is a cobweb touching all facets of the industry. We are the first of the first responder; the first care providers delivering emergency medical instructions, pre-arrival instructions, and sometimes just actively listening to create caring space. That caring space over the phone is crucial for talking to callers on their worst day, and speaking to some on their very last day. Callers like Debra Stevens of Arkansas who spent her last 22 minutes in fear of drowning in her car during swift water rain. The dispatcher repeatedly scolds her saying it’s her fault, shut up, stop freaking out you’re not going to die. Debbie died in that incident August 24th 2019 as a casualty of compassion fatigue. But compassion fatigue is a symptom, not the root cause of systemic service degradation.

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unlocking procurement efficiency

Unlocking Procurement Efficiency: How Cooperative Contracts Streamline Technology Purchasing for Public Safety Answering Points

Major technology procurement can be a daunting process for emergency call centers traditionally called Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs). Leaders must carefully evaluate all options to make the best use of taxpayer dollars while navigating a complex procurement process. 

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breaking language barriers in emergency calls

Breaking Language Barriers in Emergency Calls: The Need for Immediate Language Identification and Translation

In emergency situations, every second counts. The ability to communicate quickly and effectively can be the difference between life and death. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 67 million people in America speak a language other than English at home, and that number is only expected to grow. Unfortunately, most non-English speaking 9-1-1 callers often must wait 5-10 minutes to get help in their native language.  The need for immediate language identification and translation during emergency calls has become more critical than ever.

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national public safety telecommunicators week

National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week: Honoring the Lifeline of Emergency Services

911 emergency services have been a lifeline for millions of Americans in times of need. When we dial the three-digit number, we expect to be connected to a professional who can send us help as quickly as possible. However, behind the scenes, a team of unsung heroes works tirelessly to ensure that the right resources are dispatched to the right location at the right time. These are the public safety telecommunicators, and we celebrate them during National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week

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five keys to transforming your psap into a cyber fortress

Five Keys to Transforming your PSAP into a Cyber Fortress

As our world turns more and more towards technology, it’s important to consider the potential security threats that come with relying on technology for critical infrastructure. One area where these concerns are extremely pertinent is in the realm of 911 emergency services cyber security. 9-1-1 emergency services are the backbone of communication between civilians and emergency responders during times of crisis. In an age where cyber threats are increasingly prevalent, the security of these services is of the utmost importance. Unfortunately, many of these services are vulnerable to cyber attacks, as cyber criminals continue to develop new and sophisticated methods of infiltration. The good news is by addressing the following five recommendations, you could go a long way towards transforming your PSAP into a Cyber Fortress.

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resource elasticity in emergency communications centers

Resource Elasticity in Emergency Communications Centers

In a 9-1-1 center, managing resources and workforce is crucial to ensure that emergency services are delivered effectively and efficiently. However, emergencies and major incidents can occur at any time, requiring the need to scale resources up or down to handle the situation adequately. This is why having the ability to scale your workforce and resources is essential to ensure that emergency services can be provided in a timely and effective manner.

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you hold the keys to reclassification

You Hold the Keys to Reclassification – A Call to Action

As 911 professionals, we often feel helpless in the pursuit of the “big” goals. The goals that seem so audacious that there is no clear path forward. We feel overwhelmed as we sit in our centers or in our offices feeling small, like we are unable to make a difference. We think, well I cannot do it all, so there is nothing I can do. But to quote Glennon Doyle, “I will not let the fact that I cannot do everything keep me from doing what I can.” It is in this spirit that I challenge you to take action. Because each of you hold the keys to lead the industry to the classification of 911 professionals as first responders! Not sure where to start?; please read on.

You Hold the Keys to Reclassification – A Call to Action Read More »

imagery in incident response

Imagery in Incident Response

911 call takers and dispatchers play a crucial role in emergency response, providing critical assistance and coordinating emergency services in times of crisis. They are the first point of contact for many people in distress, and their ability to quickly assess and respond to emergencies can often mean the difference between life and death.

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